- 5 February
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Essay Contest “Education in Canada”
Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology is pleased to announce the first Essay Contest “Education in Canada ”.
The purpose of the essay contest is to provide a great opportunity for young people to express their interest in international education and develop their analytical and critical thinking, creative writing and reasoning skills. For a generation of young people critical thinking is essential for dealing with the complexities of the modern world. Young people need good learning opportunities and skills to succeed in their future career. We hope that this contest will encourage young people to respect diversity, think globally and promote a culture of peace.
The winner will be granted a 7-week English Program at Seneca College English Language Institute
Contest Rules:
- The deadline for submissions is May 4, 2011.
- Participants must be between the ages of 16 and 21.
- Each participant may enter only one essay.
- Essay should be no less than 600 words and no more than 800 words.
References are not included in the word count.
- All entries must be typed or computer-printed, double-spaced, in English.
- Essay must be solely the work of the entrant. Plagiarized essays will be disqualified.
- All entries will not be returned. Entrants agree that Excel Consulting has the right to publish, display, reproduce, otherwise use the Essay in whole or in part for advertising or promoting the Contest or for any other reason.
- One winner will be selected from all eligible entries. The winner will be announced on May 21, 2011.
Submitting an Essay:
For each submission to be counted in the contest we require the following information:
- The essay title page with the following information:
1) The essay topic;
2) Name of the student writing the essay and home mailing address, phone number and email address; **note: please do not send in an essay with only an email address**;
3) School name and full mailing address;
4) Name of the teacher or instructor who has supported the submission and the teacher’s contact information;
- The essay. **note: the student’s name, school, or city should not appear anywhere on the essay pages.**;
- All essays can be submitted to office@excel.md at any time before the deadline of May 4, 2011;
- Do not put the essay itself into the body of the e-mail; it must be an attached file;
- Please copy the information from your title page into the e-mail message.
E-mail Submission Example:
- To: office@excel.md
- From: Name of sender
- Subject line: The essay contest ” Education in
- Attached: Your essay as a .doc or .pdf attachment only
- Body of message: Copy and paste your title page information into the body of the e-mail.
Selection Criteria:
Each Essay will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
1. Development of an original, interesting topic that fits the theme
2. Clarity of ideas and writing skills
3. Use of factual information
4. Creativity
To ensure the anonymity of our participants, the essay title page with all identifying information will not be sent to the Selection Committee. Writers’ names are unknown until after essays have been ranked and the contest results finalized.
Prizes for the contest are as follows:
- The winner will be granted a 7-week English Program at Seneca College English Language Institute.
- All participants will receive a free service from Excel Consulting to organize a trip to
Результаты конкурса сочинения «Лучшая страна для обучения»
Сочинение победителя:
Конкурс сочинения «Лучшая страна для обучения» (на румынском, русском либо английском языках).
Участвуйте и выигрывайте!
1 место – USB Flash Drive и Сертификат на бесплатные услуги нашего центра
2 и 3 место - Словарь Collins English Dictionary и Сертификат на бесплатные услуги нашего центра
Возраст конкурсантов неограничен!
Условия конкурса:
- Конкурсанты пишут сочинение, в котором они должны ответить на вопрос, в какой стране они хотели бы продолжить свое обучение и почему.
- Объем сочинения: не менее 400 слов
- Сочинения высылаются в электронном виде на электронный адрес: office@excel.md
- Работы принимаются до 15 июня
- Результаты конкурса будут опубликованы на нашем сайте 20 июня в разделе «Проекты».
Просим указывать свои контактные данные.
Оригинальность мышления приветствуется!
О нас
ETS является неправительственной корпорацией, которая разрабатывает и администрирует международные языковые экзамены TOEFL.
DAAD (Германская служба академических обменов) – самоуправляемая организация высших учебных заведений Германии.
Неполитическая независимая организация которая представляет Великобританию за рубежом в областях культуры, науки, образования и профессиональной подготовки.
Международная некоммерческая организация, призванная продвигать образование и научные исследования во всем мире в рамках международных программ.